Travels with Children

The adventures I embark upon with my four young children.

And we’re off!

We’re planning a little end-of-the-summer getaway tomorrow and Saturday.  Our first thought was to go to Wisconsin Dells since we’d heard there were good deals there after the lake floated away.  I couldn’t find anything in our budget, though, and it’s a long drive for a 2-day trip, so we scratched that.  (I’d love to hear Dells recommendations, especially on a budget, to file away for a future trip!)

Instead we’re heading to Iowa.  We found a nice-looking waterpark hotel and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve.  My database of possible things to do in Minnesota will come in handy because I can look things up by town.  I can also dig out my Iowa Off the Beaten Path book.

I’m not looking forward to packing.  I never like that part but I always manage to get it done.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend.  Do you have plans to go anywhere fun?  If so, please share in the comments.


  jessiev wrote @

Have fun!! Yahoo!

  BookMama wrote @

Hope you have a great trip! We were hoping to wind up the summer with a trip to the zoo (Detroit or Toledo, haven’t decided, but both are great) but instead I’m stuck with a sprained foot and crutches. ;(

Maybe next weekend!

  Anne wrote @

Have fun in Iowa. For the Dells, I would recommend getting a Bucky Book it is like the Entertainment book, but for specific areas in Madison, WI and the Dells. There is a whole section just for the dells (golf, food, entertainment, attractions) I also bet the Entertainment book would have great deals. Plus, if you want to stay at a certain place in the Dells, sign up for their email as I usually get quite a few with unadvertised deals that have great packages and prices. We usually head up to the Dells in the winter time when it is not so crowded and so much cheaper. Hope this helps some for any future trips you might do here in WI.

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